"It is good to know - explains Carlo Gai - that we make more than 90% of the mechanical components that make up our bottling machines, working in most cases with stainless steel. This choice allows us, unlike our most significant competitors, to keep all our specialized know-how in-house and to face market downturns with less concern. The purchase of the Jobs milling and turning centre LinX Millturn, therefore, is part of the increased need to machine large, sophisticated components, made of materials that are difficult to machine, optimizing the production cycle. The choice of Jobs came after a careful market analysis which made it possible for us to understand the high technological level of the company range of products."
The combination of linear motors and a very high rigidity gantry structure enhances the performances of precision, finishing quality and, thanks to the drastic reduction of idle time, productivity.
"We believe that Jobs milling and turning centres LinX Millturn," emphasizes Gai, "represent a great innovation for the general precision engineering sector and we are proud to have them in our plant."